
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

Antique Vintage Halloween Paper Candle Stick Candy Container Japan 1920s? Rare?

This candlestick candy container is a derivative of the one produced by the Germans from ~1916-1921. Although the dimensions seem to be nearly identical, the grace notes between the two are obvious. The German version has a more richly decorated and colored base. The German version’s handle is larger and more appropriately sized than the item produced in Japan. The surely after-market addition of the forgettable cat is unfortunate. If this was produced in Germany I would expect it to fetch no less than $2500. The item up for auction should fetch one-third of that figure in a normal market, which the one we are experiencing right now is most definitely not.

04/07 Update: This sold for a mere $312, far less than I would have thought.

Halloween Mechanical Tally, Candle in Candlestick, Owls on Branch

This season has seen some crazy, unsustainable results. This is an example. Looking at the bidding history, only two bidders are responsible for this result, else this tally would have sold for below $100. I worry about these steep, silly prices being paid for things and the effect it has on the hobby’s ability to attract new collectors over time. I’ve said it often and it bears repeating - I don’t want this truly fun hobby to become the exclusive province of the well-heeled.

Dennison Vintage Halloween Spooky Candle Die Cut

Although the seller should ditch the dizzying background, she is offering a few nice things, including this Dennison table decoration, which first appeared in their 1927 Party Magazine. Dennison produced so many intricate designs during their heyday that selecting their best is hard. Arguably, this is near the top of their output in terms of creativity and sheer brilliance. It has long been one of my favorite items. Many people agree since the bidding is already up to $150.50 with four days remaining.

WOW! Antique Made In Germany Halloween Paper Mache Candlestick Candy Container

I’m not sure what this is, but it wasn’t made in Germany. The seller describes it as being in “overall great condition.” Hmmm…. It looks like it has been through quite some torment. The candle portion of this thing has all the hallmarks of Japanese paper design - namely cheap, lifeless and forgettable. What shocks is that the item has been already bid up to $160.50 with over 6 days left. I’m not sure why. If you want to see the actual and elegant German design, turn to page 132.

04/02 Update: This atrocity actually brought $318.88.

Vintage Antique Halloween Candlestick Candy Container Made in Germany

As with so many items being sold by this seller, this doesn't look right to me. It is definitely not a German made item. The Japanese made this design as well, copied after the German design, and this MAY be one of them. I've looked at the photos closely and have compared what they show to the piece in the collection and there are few points of overlap. There is no elegance to the overall design as it appears short and squat. The bottom is crude, nothing like the German example. The top from which the excessively thick wick emerges is not flush, but is recessed, a characteristic that the German items never possess. The handle is overly thick and appears to be rather amateurishly highlighted in yellow. The dimensions are wrong. I know this design has been handcrafted by folk artists recently, so this MAY be of very modern vintage. Without personally examining it, I can't be sure. I am sure of this: It isn't German. 

10/26 Update: I'm happy to note that this suspect item sold for a pittance compared to what an indisputably vintage one made in Germany would have sold for.