
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

AT&T Systemwide Email Issue

Hello Readers,

I just discovered that AT&T has had a systemwide email issue occurring since Monday, May 6th. The rep I spoke to within the last hour couldn’t provide an estimated time by which their problem will be resolved.

The issue doesn’t seem to affect emails being sent from an AT&T-based email account to another AT&T-based email account. However, if someone sends me an email from, let’s say a gmail account, I have received them up to 48 hours later or not at all. (I’ve had various individuals send test emails to me. Most have not yet been received.)

If you’ve sent me an email in the last 48 hours and haven’t received a reply, this AT&T issue is surely the reason. For now, try sending me emails through this site’s Contact page. Weirdly, they seem to go right through.

Thanks, MBL