
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

Happy New Year!

Hello Readers,

Happy New Year to you!

I appreciate you taking the time to read what I post here. Looking at the site’s analytics, the reading audience has greatly expanded over the last several years, with a notable spike in 2019. I’d like to think it’s because of my witty prose, but the reality is almost certainly not that. The hobby remains expensive with more fakes, fantasy and “Frankensteined” pieces coming to market than ever before. Vigilance remains the watchword when buying vintage Halloween items. Know the sellers. Conduct business only with those who’ll stand behind their attribution forever. If you buy at shows, always get a receipt detailing the item and the seller’s contact information.

As so many of you do already, feel free to ask my opinion of any particular item you see on any forum. I’ll give you the straight skinny as I am beholden to no one.

Stay tuned for my May 3rd auction. I’ll have at least 100 lots of nothing but authentic, vintage items on offer. This go-round the range of goods is broad: German diecuts, German candy containers/figurals/lanterns, hard plastic, post cards, games and game pieces, US pulp, tin noisemakers, Dennison goods, Beistle treasures, small paper items and other rare miscellany.

As always, the auction is open only to those who care enough about the hobby to have invested in the best and most complete reference available, my 3rd edition of Vintage Halloween Collectibles, by buying a copy from me. Ordering information is on this site.

Be safe, be well and be kind in this New Year!