This seller realized bafflingly high prices for nearly all seven of the skittle pieces they listed, with this one ending at the most baffling amount. (As this is being written, the same seller has listed an additional five skittles.) These items are quite common, surface regularly and typically fetch between $65-85. As a shout out to a long-time collector who chafes at these items being described as skittles, it is quite possible they were meant to be table decorations only. When I first began collecting, I had several (even then) long-time collectors and dealers advise me as to what I was seeing. (Remember that back in 1988 there were no references solely devoted to our fine hobby.) Paul Schofield and Mary Lou Holt described this set to me as skittles and described how they were used. I accepted the conveyed information and never thought too much more about it. However, I accept that they may have been incorrect.
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.