
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

RARE 30's Original Beistle Vintage Halloween Lightning Wumpus Electricity Dragon

There are several things I find irritating about this listing. The first is its bare-bones description. I guess the seller could hardly be bothered with providing a detailed description. The second is the photographs. Where is a photo of the reverse side? eBay allows 12 photos. The third is the cutesy pricing. Starting it at $666 is just so trite. The fourth is the seller cribbed from this very site with no acknowledgement or thanks.
This seller should have just started this at $49.99 (or thereabouts) and let the auction run. Slapping an already fully-valued opening price for an item in rough condition is just a bad practice. Trust the system.

05/26 Update: The seller has listed and relisted this again and again, varying the opening price but largely keeping the BIN price of $750 intact, down from the original listing’s BIN price of $999. They would have been better off just listing it with a modest opening price. Sellers should emulate long-time sellers like zizsdream, who wisely starts the vast majority of her auctions at $9.99 and lets them run. A high percentage of the closing prices she fetches testify to the wisdom of this approach.

06/02 Update: This mercifully sold on May 28th for $100. If the seller had simply offered it in an auction format beginning at $9.99, it would surely have brought more.

RARE 30's Original Beistle Vintage Halloween Lightning Wumpus Electricity Dragon

This devil Lightning Wumpus seems to be in very nice condition, indeed. Typically, these are pretty well thrashed given their size, fragility and many pointed edges. I haven’t seen one in this stellar condition in some time. The partially extant glassine envelope (The seller incorrectly describes it as plastic.) is seldom seen and should act as a minor accelerant to the ending price. Beistle produced this design, as well as three others, during the interval of 1929-1931. (You can see the others on page 146.)

04/12/Update: This sold for a strong $1,009.