This hard-to-find vampire clown diecut is far less than complete than this seller knows. The seller correctly points out that two of the five feet on a rotating disc are missing. However, and notably, the entire front of the diecut, consisting of a wheelbarrow with a movable wheel carrying a chagrined JOL is long gone. Essentially, what remains is merely a remnant with little to no collectible value. To see a complete example, as well as the other three diecuts that comprise a complete set, refer to page 284.
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.
1940s Halloween 11" Skelleton Pushing Pumpkin Cart Cardboard Table Decoration
Isn't this an awesome item? This is only the third time I've seen this candy container, made by the General Merchandise Company. It was made during the 1950s. Pay attention to the dimensions as this is a surprisingly sizable item. Sustainable guide value is ~$200.
10/08 Update: This item fetched the crazy, unsustainable price of $344.99, almost certainly an artifact of its inclusion in my newly available third edition.