
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

Unique Vintage HALLOWE'EN Stunt Game Boxed Card Set *16 Stunts* Beistle

This seller slapped a BIN price of $150 on this rare boxed game and it was gone in 20 minutes, a great indication of how much the seller left on the table. This is a desirable game produced by Beistle in two versions in 1931-32. One was a boxed set like this one while the other was an otherwise identical enveloped set. The stock numbers were different - 876 and 875, respectively. Neither surfaces much.

Rare Antique 1940s HOO'S NEXT Halloween 'Game Of Stunts' H. E. LUHRS Vintage USA

Although sustainable guide value for this rare game is $185, and this example sold for $160 plus shipping, it wasn't a good deal for the buyer. As with virtually everything, condition is paramount, especially with paper items. The condition of this desirable game is decidedly below what I feel is an acceptable level in that all of the perforated windows have been undone. Making it worse, there is surface marring  at too many of the windows. Fair market value for the example is well below half guide value. My motto is be ready to step up and pay a premium price for an item in premium condition, and never pay much for an item with too much damage.