I like the simplicity of the graphics on this sparkler made in Germany during the early 1930s. Its RSIN is 3, so it surfaces now and then. Typically, the flints on these sparklers are long gone. You used to be able to get replacements at old-time drugstores, but I haven't been able to find any for several years. If you know of where they can be purchased, drop me an email. The seller has it priced identically to guide value. The condition seems quite good. If you don't have this one yet, this would be a good time to add it to your collection.
Vintage Halloween Tin Metal OLD WITCH Noisemaker Sparkler Toy on CARD
This is an interesting listing, being the first time I've ever seen this witch face sparkler attached to a card. Typically, these sparklers were boxed. The card indicates some involvement by the Hale-Nass Corporation of New York, a firm that seems to have been in business from the 1930s through the 1980s. All of the documentation I have seen on this noisemaker says that the iterations made in the US were done by Ranger Steel Products Corporation of New York. I wonder what the connection my be between it and Hale-Nass? This item is quite common and has therefore been assigned a "5" on my Relative Scarcity Index. A flood of reproductions was made in Japan beginning in the 1960s. The ending price of $128.49 is quite high, doubtless driven by the heretofore unknown card.