This is not a vintage, authentic Beistle centerpiece. I’ve handled several of these and this one is wrong on several matters. The colors are not the rich ones you’d find with an authentic Beistle product from the 1950s. The colors seem to be more consistent with a copy. The paper gauge seems to be wrong, too, although that is hard to tell with the poor photographs this seller has provided. Lastly, and most problematic, the pieces seem to be glued together. The seller cryptically writes that, “The item is hooked to itself by each panel”. Again, the poor photos don’t really lend themselves to close inspection. A truly authentic example is all one piece, easy to do if you are Beistle, hard to do if you are offering something that happens to be fake.
This same seller has another listing of four “stained glass” diecuts. These also contain irregularities that cause me to question their age.
01/05 Update: I’m glad to see this sold for a pittance as I feel it has decorative, not collectible, value only.
Halloween Candy Containers Veggie Men Germany 5 different original box
The seller states that, "Opinion is divided as to whether these are old, new, fakes, etc." There is not a single advanced collector I know that believes these things have any age to them. From the perspective of those that have been in the hobby for decades, opinion is united that these are fakes. There is zero documentary evidence of their existence prior to the great avalanche of fakes from Germany that began at the Atlantic City show in 1995. The seller offers a wide-ranging theory trying to justify why she believes these are the real deal. I applaud her creativity but wish she'd simply remove the listing (and several other of her listings of dubious age). It is well-known that the importers faking Halloween beginning in the mid-1990s used truly vintage boxes to house their newly made forgettables. Let's not conflate the age of the boxes with the age of the housed items.
Vintage Halloween German Paper Mache Candy Containers NR
Someone wasted $200 plus shipping on this foursome. Contrary to the seller's claim that these are "vintage," whatever that means, these items weren't made prior to ~2000. They have decorative value only. I hope the buyer kissed those dollars goodbye before sending them down the drain. (I notice that the seller, as is so often the case, offers no definition of the word "vintage.")
Rare German Vintage Composition Halloween Skeleton Candy Container 3 3/4" Tall
This is not a vintage item, except as with the comment below, you feel a creation date of no earlier than the mid-1990s qualifies a seller to use that word. This item is merely one small part of the avalanche of items made in Germany and imported into the U.S. to take advantage of the significant rise in prices of truly vintage German candy containers and figurals that occurred beginning in the mid-1990s. This is actually part of the second wave that began assaulting our shores in the early 2000s. There are no truly vintage counterparts. There isn't a single instance where these are shown to exist in any printed material prior to 2000. The seller's protestations to the contrary, this isn't old. It is merely a pleasant decorative object that someday may have collectible value.