This seller has been offering a stunning array of small paper featuring an elegant lady motif. It is interesting to see the exceptionally strong prices most of this seller’s wares have been receiving. I forecast that small paper would be the next hot market segment some time ago, but I never thought it would get this hot and stay that way.
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.
Die-Cut Halloween Art Deco Bridge Tally Witch at Cauldron Goblins Black Cat Bats
Vintage Halloween Party Invitation Black Cat [4x5]
This is a beautiful invitation - by size alone a real stunner. I’ve only seen this a handful of times in 30+ years of collecting. There were matching tally and place cards produced as well to round out a three part set. The maker is Masters. These designs were produced under Masters’ Unique Line label. It’ll be interesting to see what this sells for during this slow time of the year.
02/05 Update: This sold for a respectable $110.27.