
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.

Vintage Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Target Game Box Only

Parker Brothers issued this Jack-O-Lantern Target game sometime during the interval of 1929-1932. It almost never is available to purchase. Sadly, this listing is only for a box in poor condition , but the top graphics are compelling nonetheless. To see an example with complete contents, turn to page 26. Finding one with the original cork bullets and rifle extant is especially rare.

10-04 Update: This sold for an unbelievable $431.99.

Rare Vintage Halloween Complete JOL Jack O Lantern Target Game with Box 1930's

I am blown away by what this game brought. The Jack-O-Lantern Target game was produced by Parker Brothers from 1929-1932 and almost never comes available for sale. As with most games, the most interesting aspect of it are the graphics on the box lid. Although nearly complete, missing only at least 7 cork bullets and the advertising card, the condition of the box is so poor that $1525 seems quite high. I bought the one in the collection at an auction in Minnesota in 2000. I have seen only a few since, all with much better boxes than this one. They all sold for significantly less than this one.