
Mark B. Ledenbach's vintage Halloween collectibles blog.


Just as in many genres, stellar prices flush out like items. The first of these great references brought ~$285, whereas this one fetched $224.50. As additional copies in similar condition surface, the price should drift down to what I consider a sustainable level - around $100. Congrats to the seller, a good soul who has long been on my list of those with I love to do business. 

Ben Truwe's THE HALLOWEEN CATALOG COLLECTION 55 Catalogs from the Golden Age

This little gem of a reference book is darn hard to find. Ben Truwe issued it in 2003. I used it as an excellent reference to date when items were handed off to the wholesale market, both for my 2007 second edition and 2014 third edition of Vintage Halloween Collectibles. (If you haven't yet purchased a copy of my new reference, there are ordering instructions under one of the tabs along the top border of this site.) I found it to be an invaluable reference, carefully crafted and containing heaps of great information if you are research-oriented like I am. I haven't seen one surface in years, so snap this up. 

02/02 Update: Two very determined bidders drove the price for this to the stratosphere and beyond. I don't see this final price of $286.78 being a sustainable one. I felt the listing would end with the book being purchased for around $100.