How To Order Your Copy
March-April 2025: Copies Are Available
The third edition of Vintage Halloween Collectibles is available exclusively from me - directly from this site or indirectly through Amazon. Only those buying a copy of this third edition from me can buy vintage items from my site and participate in my annual auctions of vintage goods.
There are only a few copies left and I will not be reprinting the third edition, so get a copy now before the only option is the secondary market.
This third edition represents a thorough revising and a significant expansion of the second edition, released in 2007. It contains nearly 550 new photographs showing over 600 new items, all in full color. The page count has increased by nearly 50, with each and every of the third edition’s 301 pages freshly designed and laid out. (This is not an example of an author simply slapping a new cover over stale material.) The great majority of the new items shown have never appeared in other books on vintage Halloween.
The research scholarship contained within this third edition of Vintage Halloween Collectibles greatly expands the boundaries of knowledge available to collectors, making this enhanced reference work a must-have addition to the libraries of collectors at all levels.
I have retained those data-rich elements you have come to expect from my years of collecting, researching and writing about the incredible memorabilia related to this fun holiday. Each professionally photographed item is fully captioned - including data such as where the item was made, which company made it, when it was made, manufacturing marks, measurements to the nearest 1/4 inch, a Relative Scarcity Index number, a current market value and additional notes on reproduction alerts, item iterations and other informative data. I have worked hard to greatly expand the specificity of the captioning with virtually every item attributed to a specific manufacturer.
I was fortunate to have Matthew Kirscht, a talented artist with an international reputation for Halloween-themed artwork, not only design each page - making the layout more engaging and logical - but also contribute customized, supplemental artwork throughout the book that lends it a fresh look given his distinctive style. (You may know Matthew by his business name, Shiverbones.) You won’t find generic clip-art anywhere in this new edition.
This softcover version is currently available, so order now! (The images on this page of my site all have a “watermark” of my initials. Don’t worry - these initials don’t appear on the actual cover or pages.)
The price per copy is $175, which includes domestic Media Rate shipping. If you are a California resident, please include an additional 8.75% or provide a valid CA resale number. If you live in beautiful Canada, base shipping is an unbelievable $50, so the price per copy to Canada is $225.
How to Order
Personal checks, money orders, Zelle transfers and PayPal transfers are all accepted. If you opt to use PayPal, please do so in such a way that there is no fee, or simply add $7.00 to your total order to compensate for an unavoidable fee. Checks and money orders can be sent to my mailing address below; Zelle and PayPal transfers to the email address listed below.
Mark B. Ledenbach
P.O. Box 2421
Orangevale, CA 95662
I am so grateful for the positive book reviews I have received from collectors at all levels from around the world. I hope you enjoy Vintage Halloween Collectibles as much as I have enjoyed creating it!
Spread the word to fellow collectors!