This is a modern fake. The cat's faces have been copied from an authentic item. The dull finish is the hallmark of fakes put out by curiousimp or shadowtown, both long-time suspect dealers on eBay. Other things wrong with it are the overly thick middle section and the brightly colored patterned paper encircling it. Since the references do not show the middle, the faker had to improvise and they got it wrong. The buyer should contact the seller for a refund.
Fakes, etc.
I'll begin populating this page with photos of reproductions, fakes and fantasy items as I see them listed on eBay, Etsy and other such sites. Hopefully, collectors will refer to this page to minimize the occasions reproductions, fakes and fantasy items are unknowingly purchased. If you see something on this page that was sold to you purporting to be a vintage item, immediately send it back for a full refund.